Tag Archives: Germany

The strange cult status of white asparagus 

If you are in Munich and see people jostling for a spot in line at....


Cozy? Let’s sabotage that by opening a window

Once you're comfy and cozy, a German is bound to open the window to air....

The Superbowl is super in Germany, too

Football may be America's favorite sport, but it's gaining ground fast in Germany, too. I....


‘Twas the Night Before Weihnachten

On a trip to a Christmas market in Munich, I was inspired by The Night....

Christmas cookies: Good, better, German

I loved Christmas cookies growing up and thought they were pretty good, but have since....

What happened to Santa Claus?

Santa Claus, St. Nick, or the Christ child? The figure we associate with Christmas takes....


The 37 Days of Christmas

Germans don’t celebrate Thanksgiving but they celebrate Christmas half the winter. Starting at the end....

If this is punctuality, my watch is broken

Germans have a reputation for being punctual, but trains are a different story. During a....

What happened to my pumpkin pie?

It's not a holiday without pumpkin pie, but what I bake is a far cry....


No Halloween? No way. My sneaky and successful plot

Some Germans celebrate Halloween, but not all of them. I was determined to find a....


‘Tis the season of the Wiesn: The Oktoberfest for locals and tourists

What some probably don’t realize is that while the Oktoberfest is the biggest folk festival....


Spicing up an e-mail is as easy as 1-2-3

Every language has its peculiarities, which should be respected. But when you translate into another....


The tiniest stars of the Oktoberfest live in a drawer

The Oktoberfest is synonymous with beer for most people. Yet half of the fairgrounds consists....


Germans delight in overengineering, taking helicopter mothering to new heights 

Any foreigner in Germany knows all about the country’s love of overengineering. All it takes....


A knack for snacks

When is a snack a meal? It depends on what country you’re in, as Germans....


Christmas cookies: good, better, and German

I loved Christmas cookies growing up and thought they were pretty good, but have since....

The 100 meters between fascism and democracy in Munich

On just a 10-minute walk through Munich, I passed a murder scene leading to the....

Led astray by my naïve trust in a native speaker, but I should have known better

My trust in native speakers was boundless, and it caused me to maneuver myself into....

What is the Inquisition doing in 21st-century America?

Looking at U.S. politics over the past few years, Germans recognize many patterns from the....

No Halloween? No way. My sneaky and successful plot

Some Germans celebrate Halloween, but not all of them. I was determined to find a....

Welcome back, fleas! The Oktoberfest is on

Following a three-year hiatus, Munich’s favorite party returned. Corona didn’t dampen people’s spirits, but I....

Bombs away! The WWII gift that keeps on giving

Listen to Brenda tell the story One of the punctuality challenges to the Munich train....

Get that rotten banana peel out of the plastic recycling

Listen to Brenda tell the story Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash My muesli stuck....

I tried to escape the Oktoberfest. I failed.

Listen to Brenda tell the story For the second time, the Oktoberfest has been canceled....

The library, the monk and the sandals

Listen to Brenda tell the story “Take their books! They’re useless propaganda. Get rid of....


The 400-year-old Marketing Flop You’ve Never Heard of

Listen to Brenda tell the story They told me in college that marketing was invented....


Give us our daily bread, but please let it be German

Listen to Brenda tell the story A good friend of mine recently returned to the....


Vaccination Fascination

25 July 2021 A strange thing has set upon us. Suddenly, we’re all doctors. Better....


The Prussian Rock Star in my Wardrobe

18 July 2021 Many people have been using their downtime from the pandemic to tackle....


Grave Thoughts Indeed – Part 3 – Royal rollicking and frolicking

This cemetery is anything but dead boring. The people buried here come from many centuries....

How war shaped the Alter Südfriedhof

Part Grave Thoughts Indeed – Part 2 Small German towns have monuments to the dead....


Grave Thoughts – the Alter Südfriedhof Cemetery

Now in the middle of the city, this cemetery was once outside the city walls.....


From Munich to Philadelphia with love

A chat group of expat Americans provides moral support during a days-long chat leading to....


Italian – no problemo

I walked into Italian class and saw a room full of pensioners. But I didn't....


Spectators turned spectacle, thanks to corona

Theaters are allowed to reopen, but only if they leave several empty seats between audience....


Mail-in ballots are sometimes the only way to vote

Mail-in ballots should be simple and foolproof. The technology is there, so why not use....