Tag Archives: Intercultural

Home sweet home – only better

I fantasize about taking my kids back to where I grew up to show them....


Home sweet home – only better

I fantasize about taking my kids back to where I grew up to show them....

If an alien landed in New York, would he know where he is?

New York feels like another world compared to Munich. Many elements are obvious and in....


What is the Inquisition doing in 21st-century America?

Looking at U.S. politics over the past few years, Germans recognize many patterns from the....

Three cheers for English: Concise, neutral, to the point.

English has its downsides. But when you compare it to German, French and Spanish it....

When life gives you lemons, it helps to recognize them

I thought my French was good enough to get me around southern France. But language....

How chicken legs, triangles and sphincters will make you laugh

The German language is very precise and detailed, sometimes to the extent that it goes....


The French girl who wouldn’t talk

Language class is where you learn to speak a language, but just memorizing vocabulary and....

Linguistic sleight of hand – bilingualism at any cost

After I had kids in Germany, I knew I wanted to raise them bilingually. But....

Ukraine on the train – from a military to a cultural conflict

Taking the train home from Berlin, some Ukrainians boarded the train. Watching their interactions with....

Give us our daily bread, but please let it be German

Listen to Brenda tell the story A good friend of mine recently returned to the....


Vaccination Fascination

25 July 2021 A strange thing has set upon us. Suddenly, we’re all doctors. Better....


Thanksgiving? Not as traditional as you think

Americans like to think of Thanksgiving as being the ultimate American holiday, but it's actually....


Halloween has gone global but strange things happened

Halloween has made its way to Germany, but some funny things happened to this holiday....


The curious case of the X in the sock drawer

The old joke "I have to organize my sock drawer" as an excuse to skip....


Squished on the train – but it was fun

Being stuck on a crowded train gives you a close-up glimpse of its multicultural inhabitants,....

On the train from Munich to Berlin

It’s a bright sunny day as my daughter and I hop on the train to....